8:00 am: Optional Bird Walk through Sapsucker Woods led by experienced birder Mark Chao
(Meet just outside main entrance and bring binoculars if you have them.)
9:30 am: Coffee and Conversation with Land Trust Staff and Board of Directors
10:00 am: Welcome and Introduction
10:05 am: Annual Reports and Election of Board Members
10:25 am: Volunteer of the Year Award Presentation
10:30 am: Key Note Address: “Exploring and Protecting Eastern Wildways” by John Davis of the Wildlands Network
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Please RSVP by 6/12/2019 to Cat Massa at catmassa@fllt.org, or call the Land Trust office at 607-275-9487.
Join us in celebration of our 30th anniversary! An optional bird walk, lead by experienced birder Mark Chao, will begin at 8:00 a.m.—bring binoculars if you have them. At 9:30, enjoy coffee and conversation with Land Trust staff and board members, to be followed by a brief meeting to elect board members, announce our volunteer of the year, and hear the latest conservation news from Executive Director Andy Zepp.
Our keynote address, given by John Davis of the Wildlands Network, will begin at 10:30 a.m. Established in 1991, the Wildlands Network works to reconnect, restore, and rewild North America so that life in all its diversity can thrive. Over the past quarter-century, they have created conservation plans for many regions of North America, showing how wildlands can be pieced back together over time.
In 2011, Wildlands Network’s wilderness explorer, John Davis, set out to identify the Eastern Wildway by embarking on a 7,600-mile, human-powered journey—deemed TrekEast. During his journey, John explored how wild nature can coexist with rapidly expanding human development on the East Coast of North America. John’s ultimate goal in adventuring thousands of miles was to prove the need for an Eastern Wildway, an extensive wildlife corridor linking eastern Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. The Finger Lakes region lies within the Eastern Wildway project area.