Earth Day Work Day

Photo: Staff

Photo: Staff


10:00 AM – 3:00 PM


Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve – town of West Danby


Please contact to let us know if you are able to join us.


Celebrate Earth Day by volunteering at a nature preserve that the Land Trust has protected for over 20 years! Your help is needed to clear logs, limbs, and brush from hiking trails on the preserve. Lunch will be in the woods among the birds, trees, and spring wildflowers. Work gloves and tools will be provided, but please bring plenty of water and lunch or snacks. Please mention if you would like to car-pool to any of these sites. You are welcome to arrive when you can, and stay as long as you are able to.


The Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve is located in West Danby, about 8 miles from Ithaca. Take Rt. 13 south from Ithaca, then take Rt. 34/96 south to West Danby. Most of the preserve is located on the east side of the highway, across from Sylvan Drive and the West Danby Fire Station. Ample parking is available about 1/2 mile south of Sylvan Drive, on the east side of the road. Entrance to the parking lot is at the top of a hill, opposite a house and barn.

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