7:30-8:30 PM
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Every Memorial Day weekend since 2006, volunteer Mark Chao has organized the Finger Lakes Land Trust Spring Bird Quest (SBQ), a celebration of our local birds and the Land Trust’s role in protecting their vital habitats. The SBQ has attracted hundreds of field trip attendees and raised tens of thousands of dollars to support the Land Trust. This year, Mark has conducted a modified SBQ, visiting Land Trust preserves alone and with his family, and documenting his findings with stories and photos on the SBQ 2020 update page.
Join us on June 2 for a special SBQ celebration, as Mark shares not only what he found, but also what he learned about odd bird behavior, techniques for finding and identifying birds, and even etymology and folklore. FLLT Executive Director Andy Zepp will provide an introduction and offer his thoughts on how the Land Trust is conserving important bird habitats.