Afoot in the Field (Vol 15, Issue 2)
A resource for conservation landowners in the Finger Lakes region. In this issue: Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Management
A resource for conservation landowners in the Finger Lakes region. In this issue: Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Management
Woodpeckers are common enough – they are found almost everywhere in the world – that it is easy to forget that they are marvels of natural engineering.
The bewildering systematics and semantics of Black Ratsnakes
A species full of peculiar and wonderful adaptations
The property includes woodlands bordering the state forest, fields maintained for wildlife habitat, and the headwaters of the West Branch of Owego Creek.
Unseen and deadly, ambush bugs are waiting. And they are everywhere.
Building community and diversity, and saving wild places for everyone.
They’re even more spectacular shapeshifters than our other local amphibians.
The Ruby-throated Hummingbird is much more than a charming little curiosity or a spark of glittering color.
Our local otter species is the North American river otter (Lontra canadensis).
The lowliest of critters play an indispensable role in sustaining nature.
The Land Trust acquired a 35-acre property at the southeastern end of Otisco Lake.
Learn all about the latest bird sightings during Spring Bird Quest 2020
The Land Trust is sustaining grassland habitat at several of its nature preserves.
What is toxic algae? Is it even algae? What do we know about causes and solutions? What have we not learned yet?
EAB is an invasive wood-boring beetle that is threatening ash trees throughout North America.
The luna moth is a living avatar of the moon—at rest by day, on the move by night, exquisitely pale, subtle yet spectacular.
The botanical family to which the wild parsnip belongs, Apiaceae, contains some of the most poisonous plants in the world.
Protection of the property expands a block of conserved lands east of the city of Elmira.
Sleeping bears seem to be able to sense the presence of intruders.